October 5, 2023
We are looking for more prayers that are appropriate for interfaith meetings and events. If you know of one, please send it to Gregory at Gregory@interfaithpower.org
Prayer is an essential piece of the action for a healthier, more equitable planet. Prayer and action are two sides of a coin. Action without prayer can become angry, self-righteous, and devoid of true communication; prayer without action can be hollow without the expression of loving, communal efforts.
There are a multitude of prayers for Creation from every major faith tradition. There are also prayers designed to be integrated into faithful worship. The below is a list of just some; please send us others that you know that may be put on this list:
Buddhist Prayers for Earth – collected by Yale’s Forum on Religion
Eco-Sikh Prayers – an invitation to pray for the interconnectedness of all Creation
11 Nature Prayers – from diverse faith tradition with beautiful images
Austrailian Religious Response to Climate Change – prayers for major faith traditions
Let All Creation Praise – prayers for Christian liturgy and events
Green Muslims – scripture on Creation
Reform Judaism – prayers before and after destructive weather events
Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale – overview of various faith traditions and link to ecology and statements from faith traditions on climate change