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By Environmental Justice Indicators
“First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto is an Earth and Spirit Church, loving the earth as God’s creation. The work of CIPL spurs to us to act to bring environmental awareness into our worship, our daily spirit, and our everyday lives.Being faithful stewards of our environmental resources and saving energy helps us to spend more our financial resources on mission and furthering God’s work. Global warming has already extracted a human cost in disasters and displacement of peoples, a violence against humanity which the church has an obligation to prevent.”– Margaret Okuzumi, First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto
“Temple Isaiah’s membership in CIPL derives from the understanding that climate change and climate justice are spiritual issues that address questions of responsibility to all peoples on the planet, to the web of life that sustains us, and to future generations. A social action committee, the Isaiah Green Team, has worked on liturgy and a variety of educational activities to raise awareness and promote climate citizenship within the synagogue. Green Team members have taken to heart the talmudic injunction: “Do not corrupt or destroy my world; for there will be no one to repair it after you.”– Andrew Moss, Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles
“We joined CIPL because we believe that we are stewards of God’s creation. Environmental issues present us with the opportunity to care for creation as our creator cares for us.”– The Rev. Mac Collins, St. Marks City Heights Episcopal Church, San Diego
“Since becoming members of CIPL in 2001, we’ve been taking a closer look at ourselves, both individually and collectively, in terms of how we relate to our environment and how wisely we use our resources. With our sense of energy conservation and stewardship, we replaced incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent ones. Our facility enjoys more light, using less energy, paying less for it and feel pretty good about it.”– Neil Genson, First Congregational Church of Alameda, UCC
“It is becoming increasingly obvious that the climate is in transition and that we North Americans, with our habits of over-consumption need something obvious to make us wake up . The global warming evidence is a focal point for me and other concerned Sisters to raise environmental consciousness in our community and ministries. We are using the Earth Charter as our source for discerning how to live more sustainably. It also serves as an effective yardstick for action in urging our legislators to block the dismantling of environmental protection laws that the current administration has been attempting.”– Sister Jackie Graham, PBVM, Sisters of the Presentation, Sunnyvale
“The Ecology Group at St. John’s has been going for some eight years and has gathered membership from some of the more socially conscious and politically active members of the congregation. WIth this in mind, it was natural that we would continue our affiliation with “green” power through CIPL ( the church purchased green energy until the energy crisis ended such program options). We are concerned about environmental issues beyond power and attempt to raish parish awareness regarding habits of daily behavior to support a greener world.”– Mary Wilson, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Oakland
“It is not humankind in whom God most delights. The living organism, Earth, toward which creation has been lured over eons of time is the acme of God’s delight. Human consciousness of God, and human potential for creation of beauty and of love arise out of the life system of Earth and cannot exist without it. God is at play here. To preserve and enhance this life system out of love for God is God’s charge to us. CIPL’s faith inspired work is exactly this. That is why I am a member. Through the Gospel Justice Committee of Saint James our Catholic Church has accepted the CIPL covenant and every year on the feast day of St. Francis presents a worship service focused on the environment.”– Priscilla High, St. James Catholic Church, Davis
“San Lorenzo Community Church became a part of CIPL in keeping with a commitment we made years ago to be better environmental stewards. In 1989, our church adopted the following resolution. I can’t remember where it came from, but it resonated with us to the extent that we’ve tried to live by it ever since. “We the people of planet Earth, with respect for the dignity of each human life, with concern for future generations, with growing appreciation of our relaltionship to our environment, with recognition of limits to our resources, and with need for adequate food, air, water, shelter, health, protection, justice and self- fulfillment, hereby declare our INTERDEPENDENCE; and resolve to work together in peace and in harmony with our environment to enhance the quality of life everywhere.”– The Rev. Drew Nettinga, San Lorenzo Community Church, UCC