The Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County was launched on Earth Day 2015 in Lafayette. Organized and led by CIPL member congregations in the county, more than 100 people shared in the following commitment.
Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County Covenant
We pledge allegiance to the Earth and all life upon it.
We pledge to care for this portion upon which we now dwell from the peak of Mt. Diablo to the waters of San Pablo Bay, Los Vaqueros and the Delta of the San Joaquin & Sacramento Rivers.
We pledge to care for all the life these ecosystems and these watersheds support.
We pledge to learn and work together to confront climate change and its impacts.
We pledge to stand in solidarity with all people who suffer from these impacts and to challenge injustice.
We pledge to reduce our carbon footprints, conserve water, and advocate for a renewable energy future.
Just as drops of water, when combined, can create a powerful force, our united actions can surpass what we can accomplish alone.
One planet, Earth, in our care, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all.
ICAN leaders gather regularly to learn, encourage, inspire and challenge each other.
For more information email
Rev. Will McGarvey, Convener:

Rev. Will McGarvey serves as the Executive Director of the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County (Bay Area, CA) and serves the other half of his time as Pastor at Community Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg, CA (PC (USA) & UCC). Rev. McGarvey did his seminary studies at San Francisco Theological Seminary, where he specialized in spiritual practices and the theology of the environment. He currently teaches as an Adjunct professor at Pacific School of Religion in the Field Education department, helping students do the theological reflection on their experiences while doing their internships and at Claremont Lincoln University on “Religion in the Public Sphere.”
Will is active in many justice-seeking endeavors, including LGBTQ inclusion, comprehensive immigration reform, hunger relief, affordable housing, poverty alleviation and peacemaking in Israel-Palestine. Most recently, Will has served as co-convener of the Multi-Faith ACTION Coalition in his county as they have sought to raise the voice of the faith community to address the systems that make people poor and keep people in the systems of poverty.