This year’s Virtual Lobby Day proved to be exceptionally successful, with all four priority bills making it through to the floor. This is a testament to the unwavering dedication and collective efforts of our diverse coalition of faith communities and environmental advocates. This democracy in action!
In an era where digital activism is more crucial than ever, CIPL’s Virtual Lobby Day harnessed the power of online platforms to mobilize supporters, coordinate lobbying efforts, and amplify our message. The event demonstrated the effectiveness of virtual engagement in advancing crucial legislation that addresses climate change, environmental justice, and sustainability.
Here are the four pieces of legislation we lobbied on:
Clean Cars for All – AB 2401 (Ting)
The current Clean Cars for All program provides grants for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire their older car and replace it with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery, or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, or a pre-paid card to use for public transit and purchase e-bikes. This bill expands this wonderful program to the entire state of California.
Plug Toxic Oil Wells – AB 1866 (Hart)
AB 1866 addresses the urgent climate and public health crisis of idle oil wells, which leak toxic oil and gas. The bill requires oil operators to develop a comprehensive plan to expeditiously plug 40,000 idle oil wells in California within the next decade, prioritizing wells within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, and other sensitive sites. AB 1866 will help ensure that polluters are paying to clean up their own messes, not taxpayers.
EV Battery Recycling – AB 615 (Allen)
As California seeks to phase out the sale of non-electric vehicles by 2035, the state needs a plan for both handling the batteries at end of life and for reducing the environmental impact of making new batteries. SB 615 creates a manufacturer-funded collection and recycling system for EV batteries at the end of their useful life.
Plastic Bag Ban – SB 1053 Blakespear) & AB 2236 (Bauer-Kahan)
These bills would eliminate the use of plastic film bags that are currently sold at the checkout stands of most grocery stores. This bill tightens regulations for reusable bags and requires stores to provide 100% recycled paper bags.
The success of these bills reaching the floor is a direct result of the faith-filled advocacy and tireless efforts of CIPL supporters. By participating in virtual meetings with legislators, sharing compelling stories, and leveraging social media, advocates were able to make a powerful case for these critical climate issues.
As we move forward, the momentum from this successful Virtual Lobby Day will be crucial in ensuring that these bills are passed into law. CIPL remains committed to pushing for transformative change and fostering a sustainable future for all Californians.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our lobby days. Together, we are making a difference and paving the way for a healthier, more just world. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to champion our Sacred Earth!