Faith action on energy efficiency, renewable energy, education and advocacy goes way beyond California. There are 40 states that have Interfaith Power & Lights, and operate in coordination with our national office. Here’s the latest on national programs that your congregation can take part in:
EPA POWER PLANT POLLUTION REDUCTIONS – the federal Environmental Protection Agency needs to hear from YOU about regulating emission from power plants – a proposed reduction of 30% emissions by 2030. This is significant and needs all the support it can get. Sign the petition today.
COOL HARVEST is a great program, providing resources for individuals and congregations who want to highlight the connection between food, faith and climate change. This year’s Cool Harvest FREE KIT will help you host a potluck with your friends and/or faith community.
2015 NATIONAL PREACH-IN ON CLIMATE CHANGE has been going on for several years and is growing each year! Your congregation will receive sample sermons, ideas, and practical follow-up resources to make Valentine’s Day weekend a one to love the earth and all your neighbors. California is often the state that has the most congregations signing up for this program.
CARBON COVENANT focuses its energies on one of the largest sources of emissions in the developing world: deforestation. Programs in Cambodia, Cameroon, Ghana and Kilimanjaro strengthen efforts at planting trees and preventing illegal logging. Supporting these efforts on behalf of a loved one is a great alternative to traditional gift giving.
DIVEST THE VATICAN campaign is urging Pope Francis to divest the Vatican’s $9 billion investments from fossil fuels. IPL is inspired by Pope Francis’s environmental leadership and wants to see him take this very significant step in leadership. You can urge him to take this step, too.
Learn about other programs at the Interfaith Power & Light website!