Everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home, and electrification will help us get there. Building electrification means switching gas appliances with electric ones. The benefits are clear!

Learn about rebates on all-electric appliances and energy efficiency from the following organizations:
Peninsula Clean Energy (San Mateo)
PCE offers rebates and incentives for home electrification, and a 10K loan with zero interest to get your project off the ground. Visit peninsulacleanenergy.com for more information.
BayREN (Bay Area)
BayREN sets you up with a free personal home energy advisor who guides you step by step: Visit bayren.org or call (866) 878-6008
Switch is On (California)
Rebates available for heat pumps, induction cooktops, electric dryers, insulation, air sealing, and more: switchison.org
AVA Community Energy (East Bay)
Ava offers rebates that save you money while helping you go electric: avaenergy.org
CA Energy Smart Homes (California)
An incentive program for residential new construction and whole home electrification alterations. Apply at: caenergysmarthomes.com
Rewiring America (USA)
Rebates and incentives abound! This is a great resource for all sorts of electrification home projects. Visit rewiringamerica.org for more information.